

Price: ${{decimalPlace(totalPriceWithOutAddOn,1)}}

Earliest Ready: {{earliestPickupTime()}}


COVA Cheesecake 1817

A tribute to COVA's 200th anniversary. Raspberry glazed, raspberry jam and rich cream cheese cake, with a short pastry base


Greeting Text:

  • {{attributeList.chocolate_plate_1.cake_plate_1}}
Plaque 2

Greeting Text:

  • {{attributeList.chocolate_plate_2.cake_plate_1}}

Price: ${{decimalPlace(totalPriceWithOutAddOn,2)}}

Earliest Ready: {{earliestPickupTime()}}


Chocolate Plaque



Accepts Traditional Chinese characters, English letters and emoji
For small chocolate plaque, maximum 14 Chinese characters or 35 English letters

{{chocolateInputLink_1_Limit - chocolateInputLink_1_Current}}

Plaque 2


Accepts Traditional Chinese characters, English letters and emoji
For small chocolate plaque, maximum 14 Chinese characters or 35 English letters
For large chocolate plaque, maximum 20 Chinese characters or 56 English letters

{{chocolateInputLink_4_Limit - chocolateInputLink_4_Current}}

Chocolate Plaque's Terms & Conditions

No vulgar, abusive or indecent wording for customized greetings will be accepted. COVA reserves all of its rights in relation to word(s) that is(are) false, misleading, vulgar or of vilifying, scandalous, abusive, discriminatory, offensive, hateful, insulting, defamatory, indecent, obscene, fraudulent or threatening nature to any person, corporation, entity, country or state. Acceptance of payment will not be deemed as acceptance of order by COVA.  According to size and shape of the chocolate plaque, COVA reserves the rights to amend the size, position and orders of the customized greetings. COVA reserves all rights (including without limitation to rejecting customer's order) without notice.